Homeopathy for Leucorrhoea (white discharge)

Leucorrhoea, which is also commonly know as “white discharge” (“shwet pradar” in hindi) is common problem in female. Normally (physiologically), vaginal discharge occurs during ovulation, during pregnancy, and in some women, few days before menses. when this secretion increases in amount, then it is term as leucorrhoea. physiological vaginal discharge is white, odorless and it can be sticky, yellowish, or watery.

Etiopathogenesis : Leucorrhoea itself is not a disease but can be symptom of many diseases. profuse white discharge can be associated with pathological conditions like Trichomoniasis Vaginitis [with greenish, foul smelling discharge], Candidiasis [curdy,thick discharge], Bacterial vaginosis, etc. In such cases, there is profuse white discharge with associated symptoms like burning, itching, pain in lower abdomen and lower back pain are also present.

Leucorrhoea may be present as without any apparent disorder. generally, during increase white discharge [without apparent disorder], patient also complains of profound general weakness and lethargy, mental irritability, mild itching, lack of concentration in routine work.

Why Homeopathy for leucorrhoea?

There are some of the best homeopathic remedies for leucorrhoea like sepia, pulsatilla, natrum group of remedies and kali group etc. which not only gives complete cures but also reduce the repetitive tendency of complaint without any side-effect. homeopathic medicine is selected on the basis of  symptoms, hence the medicine differs from patient to patient.

General management

-Maintain proper hygiene.

-Avoid use of pessary, tampon.

-Avoid stress

-Have nutritious food.

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